IAPPD Global

Impact StudyDESK Research

Numerous academic and business authors have collectively published a vast body of information on different aspects of the process of people and performance development: performance management, general and workplace motivation, work design, human psychology, information processing and other related topics.

In spite of all this knowledge, performance management activities and consequently people and performance development behaviours in the workplace frequently fall far short of best practice.

There is clearly a need to understand why the link between knowing what is necessary for successful people and performance development and actually doing what is necessary is not made. This is the critical question.

To examine possible links between articulation of and identification with the organisation’s VISION, the work environment, self-perception, felt motivational factors, the manager’s informal performance management activities, the formal performance appraisal system and the manager’s role in conducting performance appraisal interviews; opinions on the need to upgrade either the informal or formal part of the performance management system.

Design Concept

International random multivariate analysis study to examine the impact of performance management on employees on the following parameters

Potential respondents are offered a link to access the online questionnaire on the International Association for People and Performance Development website; a security check is used to eliminate attempts to submit multiple entries from the same email address/IP number.


Understanding of and identification with the company’s VISION or guiding purpose.
Perception of the work environment as conducive to (high levels of) performance.
Felt motivational factors – principal sources of motivation McLelland N-Ach, Herzberg 2-Factor theory
Attitude to motivation – Theory X-Y orientation
Feeling of empowerment – Hersey et al., etc.


Leadership actions (informal performance management) – competency based
Formal appraisal (formal performance management) – competency based
Manager’s skill in conducting formal appraisal interviews – competency based
Personal reactions to formal appraisals – related to impact/motivation
Need to upgrade the informal or formal performance management system
Perceived impact on business performance.


Initial results will be published when the database has reached a critical mass of respondents, and the database will be made available to members for interrogation. Ongoing results and analyses will be published periodically

Drop down menus for demographics.
Principally statements with Likert scales to indicate agreement/disagreement.
Rank ordering.
Selection of most appropriate descriptors.
Fields for free text capture.

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The late Geoff Cook
Founder, IAPPD Global

Impact of Performance Management Research Questionnaire