IAPPD Global

Dealing with Clients

Confidentiality: We will keep client information confidential and will not use them for personal purposes or allow others to do so.

Servicing Clients: We will serve our clients with integrity, competence and objectivity.

Conflict of Interest: We will not allow any conflict of interest that would provide a competitive advantage to a client through our use of confidential information from another client who is a direct competitor without that competitor’s permission.

Principles of Engagements

Qualifications: We will not engage in any assignment unless we are qualified to perform it based upon our experience and competence.

Contacts: We will make sure that the objectives, scope of work, work plan, the professional fees and payment arrangements have all been agreed upon with the client in writing before commencing the execution of any assignment.

Expectations: Based upon our honesty and objectivity, we will refrain from encouraging unrealistic expectations or guarantee specific results to clients that might arise from our services.

Conducting Assignments

Quality: We will conduct any assignment with professionalism and high quality commensurate with specialization, experience, expertise and gained knowledge.

Documentation: We will document all reports submitted to clients, to maintain continuity of understanding of their problems and the solution that has been designed for them in order to refer to them when needed.

Commitment: We will commit ourselves to the agreed-upon scope of work and condition.


Fees: We will charge reasonable fees that are commensurate with the services we deliver, the responsibility we shoulder and the time we spend.

Commissions: We will not accept any commissions, fees or remunerations from other parties in connection with any recommendation to a client to buy equipment, materials or services as a result of our assignment.


Property Rights: We will protect the intellectual property rights of our clients, other consulting firms and individuals and will not use their proprietary information or methodologies without permission.
Professionalism: We will maintain a fully professional standard in our dealings with clients.

Cooperation and Professional Development

We will assist our team in developing their capabilities, support them in practicing the code of our ethics of the profession and cooperate with them in a constructive manner. We will strive for our professional development by continually improving our knowledge, skills and techniques and exert efforts for the advancement of our profession.