“A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world.”By Dr. Scott Simmerman
Please tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve been working on organizational performance issues since 1978, after a short stint as a college professor and a doctorate in psychology from UNC, Chapel Hill. I’ve always had an interest in behavior and productivity and held two senior internal jobs before starting my company in 1984. These days, I develop and sell team building
games and improvement tools on the Internet and do workshops and presentations.
Can you tell our readers about Square Wheels®? These are illustrations about communications,
motivation, teamwork, and innovation that people use to engage and involve others in organizational improvement efforts. The main cartoon is used to generate involvement and ideas. It shows a wooden wagon rolling
on Square Wheels with a cargo of round ones.
I’ll show it to a group of people and simply ask them, “How might this reflect how organizations really work?” and give them time to discuss their ideas in small groups.